Good sleep for good skin
The phrase ‘beauty sleep’ is indeed true as it is only if you sleep well that you have healthy and good skin. Improper and poor quality sleep makes your skin look tired and older and gives you bags under your eyes. Moreover, poor quality sleep leads to a vicious cycle of anxiety, depression and irritation wherein you find it difficult getting a good night’s sleep.
It is when you sleep that your body and skin cells get repaired. Sleep deprivation leads to a reduction in your growth hormone levels, which are necessary for this repair process. Consequently, the less growth hormones you have in your body, the less opportunity your body has for repairing all the damage incurred to your skin throughout the day.
More skin cells while sleeping
Generally, the rate of the new skin cells your body produces everyday doubles when you sleep. This means that the more you sleep, the faster your skin cells get produced and the younger you look.
If there is no cell regeneration, or if the cell production rate drops below certain levels, it only makes you lose your skin tone and your skin becomes more wrinkled. However don’t think that you should spend more hours in bed for best skin.
The way you sleep, and prolonged periods may hamper your skin. Lots of people tend to sleep on their side or with their face down. By sleeping like this, they only end up with crease marks on their face because of their face pushing against the pillow.
While this is okay when young, as you grow older, there is less elastin in your skin and the crease marks take longer to disappear. So sleeping in the same position every night can lead to permanent crease marks. To avoid this, you need to sleep on your back or use softer pillows and satin pillow slips as they reduce the marks.
Tips for a good night’s sleep
If you find it difficult to sleep, here are some tips which should prove helpful:
- Have lots of physical exercise like yoga and swimming as it reduces stress and makes you tired healthily for better sleep. Aerobic exercises help as they increase oxygen circulation in your body wherein your skin remains healthy and vibrant.
- Maintain a regular bedtime routine.
- Take a warm bath before sleeping to relax you.
- Remove all the nagging worries in your mind by writing it down. Keep a pencil and writing pad near your bed for this!
- Avoid watching TV at night or at bed as it only stimulates but not relaxes you.
- Avoid eating heavy meals at night. Always have your last food 2-3 hours before sleeping. Drink more water during the day than towards bedtime.
- Your bedroom should be cool, quiet and dark. Keep ear plugs and an eye mask handy in case you don’t fall asleep.
- Avoid drinking stimulants like caffeine and nicotine in the evenings. Drinking chamomile tea instead of cocoa at bedtime is better as it induces sleep. But too much is too bad as it will keep you in the toilet at night!
With the help of these tips, you will be able to get the sleep you need for young and healthy skin!